terça-feira, 10 de agosto de 2010

terça-feira, 17 de novembro de 2009

composition 4E the law should be change so that childreen over 12 can be responsible for a crime

Always I see childreen with less than 18 years shoplifting, mugging, vandalisming or robbing and they now what they're doing or what are the consequences, but they never are sent to jail because one thing: they're not 18.
First of all, the should be change so that childreen over the age of 12 could be responsible for their crimes 'cause if not, we will be creating new drugs dealers, killers, bank robbers and many bad people such as bullys too.
on the oder hand, we will be scolding childreen by an agresive way, and some of then might create phobias about the police or prision.
however, in my opinion, I belive that this is really the best way to give them a corrective so that it's really difficult to a child, after all that, back to the crime.

sábado, 7 de novembro de 2009

Profile for world watch ( composition - 3e )

I live in Niterói but i'm from Rio. I've always been interested in sports and cinema, but I will choose to do something on the finances for my career (i'm just got the swing of the thing).
I'd describe myself as a confident but i'm far away to be a show-off, but sometimes i'm a bit of a joker.
i'm currently studing and I inted to get gratuated at a good university because I hope that this help me to get a really good job.
I'm always dreamt to marry and travel the whole world at the honeymoon, and this would be a perfect opportunity to learn more about different cultures.

terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2009


What do you think is:
- the ideal age for getting married?
- the best age for having children and the ideal number to have?
- three qualities you consider important for the perfect partner.
- three good places to go if you're looking for a partner.

domingo, 20 de setembro de 2009

Every cloud has a silver lining

One day the teacher of Maths have marked a test from monday,so everybody hav studied except my friend ,his name is Ricardo this story hapenned last year.
I cleary remember on Saturday two days before the test have ha a big party in the Ricardo's sisters house ,so he haven't studied,everybody have gone to the party but everybody have studied.
Believe it or not on Sunday he didn't study so because he went to the shopping with his girlfriend.
Eventually the day of the test arrived and him haven't studied .To make matter's worse the test was very difficult so he failed in the test.
In the end he learn about this sittuation first the commitments after the entertainments,so for the others test he have studied a lot and pass in every test and pass in the recuperation test of Maths so he up grade the school nivel.
Conclusion Every cloud has a silver lining.

segunda-feira, 14 de setembro de 2009

So intelligent

One day, in 2007, I was preparing myself to learn something positive in my school. The day was a little cloud but I didn’t care and wore a skirt. When I arrived in the school, I found my friends and we went to the class.
The day was so funny into started to rain. I really hated it but I couldn’t do nothing, just go home. How the class had ended, it was what I did. I clearly remember, when I was walking, believe it or not, my trainers slipped and I fell with my legs open. Everybody was there and the door of the school was open too.
Oh my God, my friends laughed so much and I was so embarrassed. Well, now I know that when the day's cloud, we must wear jeans.

Brilliant Idea

I clearly remember that it happened in a really hot day. Maybe it must bem summer. I was young (about 8 years) and a little stupid. Because of the hot weather, I decided to turn on a fan, a small fan. My dad always told me to never put my finger on the fan because I might get hurt. As I said it before, I was young and stupid so I decided to see if what my dad told me was truth. Brilliant idea. Big mistake. To my horror I descovered that my dad was right: it really hurts! I got a cut on my finger. And I had do discover it from the hard way. To make matter's worse I had to listen to my dad telling me: "I told you so".
I don't think that I learn something from that experience. In the end it was only a funny story that happened to me.