A big storm
One day Penny was at work, standing in front of the elevator, waiting to go to the first flour. It was rainy out of the building and the wind was blowing strongly. The reporter at TV said that there was a storm coming to Penny’s city in 3 or 4 hours.
When she was almost at her destination the energy was cut and the elevator stopped. She got in panic and didn’t know what to do! She could fell the wind blowing stronger and stronger and huge things hitting on the building. To her horror the storm has started and to make matter’s worst it was Sunday and there was no one at work but her. She knew that she was in great danger and this could be the end. She couldn’t stop asking herself why she went there just to take a piece of paper. The build was shaking with the wind.
Believe it or not the building collapsed and went to the flour.
When the rescue team came to save her they saw that the elevator box turned in a big armor and protected her and she got away with nothing more than smalls wounds.